Smart Phone Kids


By Bernardo De la Cruz

Smartphones and even phones with buttons (remember those?) haven’t been around for long, yet it’s apparently a device that everyone needs. I remember receiving my first phone when I was 14 – the Motorola Razor Flip Phone; and all I could do with it was call, text and pray that I don’t accidently hit the internet button; for I was warned that trouble would come down on me if my mother saw that charge in the phone bill.

Fast forward to today and I see every kid as young as 10 years old having a smartphone and even younger kids playing around with tablets! While I can understand children being given tablets in order to give parents a bit of a break, I can’t understand the need to give young adults their very own iPhones or Android phones.

Even as an adult, having a cellphone, let alone a smartphone, is a luxury. When a kid want phone of their own they ask for smartphones for any number of reasons, but the bottom line is that they simply want it because everyone has it. Parents quickly give in with the notion that their kid is old enough and it’ll be a good method for communication back and forth with them.

But what parents fail to realize is that giving their children smartphones (the younger the worse) will end up causing their kids to shutout. I can tell you from personal experience when I was 14, all I did was text and basically ignore my mom. If the only function I had as a kid was texting and I was essentially a zombie with my flip-phone, I can only imagine what kids of the same age today are like.

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I’m 26 and I can’t put my smartphone down. The bottom line is that yes, smartphones are wonderful and helpful and depending on who you ask, a necessity. But do kids really need a million different apps to download in the palm of their hands? With tablets I don’t particularly see as a problem (they need Wi-Fi and they aren’t as used by kids as much as smartphones). To keep it simple and cost effective and have your kid grow as a person, just get them a flip-phone until they become mature enough to not let a smartphone control their live.




Bernardo De la Cruz, es graduado en Computación y Tecnología en Pace University y es asesor de Westchester Hispano.






Sala de Redacción/Westchester Hispano
Publicado el 21 de Mayo, 2016


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